A Comprehensive Journey – Part 1: From TESA’s Inception to Its Evolution

On the Winter Solstice of 2018, a day soaked in symbolism and revered across various cultures as a pivotal point of change and rebirth, I experienced a profound vision that would fundamentally alter the course of my life. This vision, an intricate tapestry woven from symbols steeped in ancient lore and personal significance, unfurled in my consciousness, revealing a narrative deeply rooted in both the mystical and the existential. It was as if the universe chose this specific day, symbolizing the end of one cycle and the birth of another, to impart this transformative experience. This profound event marked a personal transformation and laid the foundational stone for The Experiencer Support Association (TESA).


As the world once again approaches the shortest day of the year in 2023, I find myself immersed in contemplation, reflecting on the remarkable journey that unfolded from that solstice to this. The vision that once perplexed and intrigued me has now become a guiding force, shaping my understanding and influencing the direction and ethos of TESA. This organization, born from a moment of profound revelation, has evolved over these four years, paralleling my growth and deepening my understanding of the intricate tapestry of existence that the vision first revealed.

The Winter Solstice Vision: Timing and Impact

The Winter Solstice, traditionally a time symbolizing the cyclic dance of death and rebirth, marked a pivotal moment in my life and the inception of TESA. This day, rich in ancient meaning, heralded not just the end of the longest night but also the dawn of a transformative era, both personally and for the organization I was inspired to create. As I reflect on this journey four years later, during the Solstice of 2023, it’s evident how this moment became a harbinger of evolution and growth.

From that pivotal 2018 Winter Solstice, the unfolded vision brought distinct themes for each ensuing year, mapping out a path from “Analyze” to the anticipated “Contact” in 2024. This progression encapsulates the evolution of TESA:

  • “Analyze” (2019) embarked on deep introspection and critical assessment, pivotal for shaping TESA’s future. This phase involved scrutinizing existing paranormal and UFO research paradigms and identifying gaps and areas needing improvement. It was a time for thoughtful contemplation, questioning established norms, and envisioning what TESA could offer. This foundational stage sets the tone for TESA’s approach, emphasizing open-minded inquiry and rigorous analysis, which are crucial for building an organization grounded in credibility and thorough understanding.

  • “Assemble” (2020) marked the crucial gathering of ideas, resources, and people essential for TESA’s formation. This stage united a diverse community of thinkers, researchers, and experiencers. It involved creating a solid framework for the organization, establishing its goals, and laying down its operational structures. Collaboration and teamwork were essential during this phase, as they were instrumental in transforming the vision of TESA into a tangible, functioning entity poised to delve into the realms of the unknown with a collective approach.


  • “Deconstruct” (2021) was a transformative period for TESA, where existing beliefs and narratives in the paranormal and UFO fields were critically examined and re-evaluated. This stage involved challenging conventional wisdom and dismantling misconceptions that had long been barriers to understanding. It was a time for rigorous scrutiny of internal assumptions and external information to shed outdated ideas and pave the way for more accurate, nuanced perspectives. This deconstruction was essential for rebuilding TESA’s approach on a foundation of more reliable, evidence-based understanding.


  • “Rebuild” (2022) was a time of restoration and growth for TESA. Following the critical deconstruction of the previous year, this period, we were focused on reconstructing our approaches and methodologies based on newer, more robust understandings. It was about strengthening the organization’s foundation with enhanced credibility and renewed trust. Efforts were concentrated on developing more refined research techniques, fostering stronger community ties, and rebuilding the narrative around paranormal and UFO phenomena with a fresh, more informed perspective. This rebuilding phase was crucial in solidifying TESA’s role as a credible and progressive force in the field.


  • “Unite” (2023) is centred on harmonizing the experiences and insights gathered over the past years. It’s a period of consolidation for TESA, where the focus is on integrating the varied perspectives of our community. This stage is about fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among members, researchers, and experiencers. It involves creating a cohesive network combining different viewpoints and findings to form a more comprehensive understanding of paranormal and UFO phenomena. This phase aims to strengthen the collective voice and impact of TESA, enhancing collaboration and solidarity in our quest for knowledge.


  • “Contact” (2024) TESA anticipates deepening engagement and interaction within the paranormal and UFO community. This period will be marked by proactive outreach, fostering direct connections with experiencers, researchers, and the wider public. The focus will be on expanding our network, initiating collaborative projects, and actively participating in dialogues that bridge the gap between anecdotal experiences and scientific exploration. “Contact” signifies a move towards more tangible interactions and relationships, enhancing TESA’s role as a conduit for shared understanding and discovery in the field of the unexplained.

Deciphering the Rich Tapestry of Symbols

  1. Triangles and Alchemical Context: Triangles in the vision signified stability amidst change, resonating with alchemical principles of transformation. This symbol reflected the dynamic nature of TESA’s work, embodying the transition from the known to the mysterious, much like alchemists transforming base metals into gold. The triangle reminds us of the continuous learning, growth, and evolution process in our understanding of the paranormal.
  2. Circle with a Dot: This symbol, often representing the sun or the self, emphasizes the centrality of individual experiences in the cosmic journey. For TESA, it underscores the importance of each person’s unique encounter with the unknown, acknowledging that personal experiences are pivotal in shaping our collective understanding of the paranormal and the extraterrestrial.
  3. The Plus Sign: Representing unity and conjunction, the plus sign in the vision mirrored TESA’s mission to amalgamate diverse paranormal phenomena. It symbolizes the organization’s aim to combine various research, experiences, and theory strands, fostering a comprehensive and cohesive approach to understanding the unexplained.
  4. Crescent Shapes: Crescent shapes, often associated with the moon, connect to the cyclical nature of time and experience. In TESA’s context, these symbols reflect the recurring patterns and cycles in paranormal phenomena, suggesting a rhythmic and periodic aspect to these mysterious occurrences, much like the moon’s phases.
  5. Spirals and Swirls: Evocative of cosmic mysteries, spirals and swirls in the vision symbolize the journey into the depths of the unknown. For TESA, this represents the exploration of mysteries beyond conventional understanding, inviting a journey that spirals into the heart of the unexplored and unexplained.
  6. Glyph-like Shapes: Resembling ancient scripts, these shapes suggest a language or code intrinsic to paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena. For TESA, it signifies the quest to decipher and understand this ‘language,’ unlocking the messages and meanings hidden within these mysterious experiences.
  7. The Seal of Solomon: This ancient symbol of protection and wisdom is integral to TESA’s work, embodying the need to safeguard and use knowledge wisely. The Seal of Solomon in the vision reinforces TESA’s commitment to exploring and responsibly sharing insights into the paranormal.
  8. The Templar Cross and Yin Yang: These symbols of balance and duality complement the Seal of Solomon’s theme of harmonizing contrasting forces. In TESA’s mission, they represent the balance between different viewpoints and approaches, emphasizing the importance of equilibrium in exploring paranormal phenomena.
  9. Masonic Symbols: The level, plumb, rule, and square symbolize ethical foundations and precision. For TESA, these tools reflect the organization’s dedication to upholding ethical standards in research and investigation, ensuring accuracy and integrity in all endeavours.
  10. The 12 Chairs: Symbolizing the seven liberal arts of science and the five elements, these chairs represent a holistic approach to knowledge. TESA embodies this principle, integrating various scientific disciplines and elemental perspectives to enrich its understanding of paranormal phenomena.
  11. Incorporating the Zodiac: The diverse colours of the chairs, reflecting the zodiac, highlight the spectrum of human experiences and traits. TESA values this diversity, recognizing that a wide range of perspectives enriches our understanding of the unexplained.
  12. Knights of the Round Table: This unity and collective purpose symbol resonates with TESA’s mission. It represents a protective circle of knowledge seekers united in their quest to explore and understand the paranormal.
  13. The Black Triangle and Masonic Tools: The black triangle, adorned with Masonic tools, symbolizes TESA’s investigations’ grounded yet expansive nature. This signifies a foundation rooted in tradition and precision, extending into exploring vast, unknown territories.
  14. Anu, the Central Symbol: Anu, representing the divine connection between the human and cosmic realms, highlights the profound nature of TESA’s inquiry. It underscores the organization’s aim to bridge earthly experiences with cosmic phenomena, seeking more profound understanding.
  15. The Broad Spectrum of Paranormal and Consciousness Phenomena: The collective symbolism encompasses the vast scope of paranormal and consciousness phenomena. For TESA, this represents its exploration’s diverse, multifaceted nature, acknowledging that the journey into the unknown encompasses a wide array of experiences and phenomena.

The Letters T E S A and ‘ASET’


The letters T, E, S, and A in the vision form, in reverse, ‘ASET,’ an alternative name for Isis, suggesting a connection to ancient wisdom. This alignment points to a deeper, ancestral, or spiritual link, resonating with TESA’s exploration of the unknown. This intriguing mirror relationship is rich with potential meanings and offers a deeper layer of interpretation to our journey.

“ASET,” an ancient name for Isis, reflects in “TESA,” suggesting a profound connection between past and present. This could symbolize how TESA, in its pursuit of understanding paranormal and UFO phenomena, is a modern reflection of ancient wisdom. It implies that our efforts are not just contemporary explorations but are deeply rooted in timeless truths and understandings of the universe.

This reversal also speaks to the concept of duality – the ancient and the modern, the mystical and the empirical. TESA, in its essence, represents this balance, striving to bridge the gap between scientific inquiry and the mystical realms of human experience. It’s as if TESA is the modern embodiment of Aset’s principles, bringing together different realms of understanding.

The ASET-TESA relationship also symbolizes the cyclic nature of time and knowledge. Just as seasons change and return, ancient insights and wisdom find their relevance in modern contexts. In this cycle, TESA emerges as a contemporary platform for age-old questions about existence and the unknown.

The reverse naming could also hint at a subconscious influence or a predestined path in the formation of TESA. The organization’s creation and mission may be part of a larger narrative that transcends time and consciously constructs plans, delving into destiny and fate.

From a narrative perspective, this reversal adds depth and intrigue. It is a storytelling element that enriches the tale of TESA’s inception, inviting contemplation and discussion about the connections between our past heritage and our present endeavours.

In essence, the mirrored relationship between ASET and TESA is not just a coincidental linguistic play but a symbol of the profound connection between ancient wisdom and modern exploration. It adds a rich, symbolic dimension to TESA’s story, emphasizing that our journey continues and is a tribute to the timeless quest for understanding that has always defined humanity.

Colours of the OES and Their Integration of Virtue, Principle and Unified Diversity

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An intriguing element of the vision leading to the establishment of TESA is the presence of five coloured chairs, each mirroring the colours associated with the Order of the Eastern Star (OES). This symbolic alignment brings a deeper understanding of TESA’s mission and ethos.

Each chair, adorned in one of the OES colours, represents a unique set of virtues and principles. These colours – traditionally signifying attributes like fidelity, constancy, purity, joy, and courage – align with the values that TESA embodies in its quest for truth and understanding. Just as the OES uses these colours to represent different virtues and lessons, TESA incorporates these principles into our approach to exploring the unknown.

The diverse colours of the chairs symbolize the spectrum of human experience and perspectives, much like the varied experiences and backgrounds of those encountering paranormal and UFO phenomena. This diversity is essential to TESA’s mission, as it allows for a more comprehensive and empathetic understanding of the unexplained. The chairs represent this amalgamation of experiences in their varied hues – each unique yet united in purpose.

The alignment with OES themes goes beyond mere colour symbolism; it reflects a deeper connection to a tradition of seeking knowledge and understanding through various lenses. The OES, emphasizing moral values and spiritual growth, parallels TESA’s commitment to integrity, respect, and the pursuit of truth in a field often clouded by uncertainty and skepticism.

The arrangement of the chairs, reminiscent of a round table, evokes a sense of inclusivity and collaboration. It symbolizes TESA’s approach to bringing together individuals from different walks of life, each contributing unique insights and experiences to our collective understanding of paranormal phenomena. This setup mirrors the ideals of unity and equality – core principles in OES and TESA’s philosophies.

The coloured chairs, in their alignment with OES, also signify TESA’s openness to a spectrum of understanding that encompasses both the scientific and the esoteric. This blend of perspectives is crucial in a field that traverses the physical and the metaphysical, the known and the unknown.

The five coloured chairs, resonating with the OES colours, symbolize a harmonious blend of virtues, principles, and perspectives. They reflect TESA’s mission to explore the unexplained not as isolated phenomena but as part of a larger, interconnected tapestry of human experience and cosmic interaction.

A striking symbolic link emerged between the ancient wisdom of Aset (Isis) and the modern virtues of the Order of the Eastern Star (OES). Aset, a figure from Egyptian mythology, embodies timeless principles of wisdom, protection, and healing, while the OES, with its Freemasonry connections, upholds contemporary values of integrity and moral strength. This convergence in the vision symbolizes TESA’s commitment to blending historical insights with ethical practices in its exploration of the paranormal and UFO phenomena. This unique fusion forms the guiding ethos of TESA, ensuring a balanced and respectful approach to unravelling the mysteries of the unknown.

The vision’s symbols – from alchemical triangles to the Seal of Solomon – form a narrative that shapes TESA’s mission. They symbolize the transition from known to unknown, emphasize individual experiences within the cosmic journey, and represent unity in exploring diverse paranormal phenomena. The symbols, reflecting ancient wisdom and modern ethics, guide TESA’s balanced approach to investigating the unknown. This rich tapestry signifies a journey of continuous learning, ethical exploration, and the integration of diverse perspectives in understanding paranormal and consciousness phenomena.

Why Me? Understanding the Selection for the Vision

I have often pondered the origin of the profound vision that set the course for establishing our organization. Reflecting on that pivotal moment during the Winter Solstice of 2018, several possibilities come to mind, each offering a unique perspective on how such a transformative experience came to be.

Psychological Roots:

From a psychological viewpoint, this vision could represent the amalgamation of my subconscious thoughts, experiences, and deep-seated interests. Perhaps, in a moment of deep reflection, common during introspective periods like the Winter Solstice, my mind wove together these latent elements, bringing to the surface a narrative rich in symbolism and personal meaning.

Cultural and Archetypal Resonance:

My lifelong interest in myths and universal symbols might have played a role. The archetypes in the vision – the triangles, spirals, and the Seal of Solomon – are recurrent motifs in human storytelling across cultures. It’s conceivable that these symbols, embedded in our collective unconscious, manifested uniquely in my consciousness, echoing Carl Jung‘s theories.

A Spiritual Revelation:

From a spiritual perspective, I consider the possibility of the vision being a form of mystical revelation. Such profound insights, often reported in various spiritual traditions, seem to choose their moments and recipients, aligning with significant times like solstices. This experience might have been a transcendental communication, possibly a message from a higher plane of consciousness.

Scientific Explanations:

Scientifically, one could look at natural phenomena like the hypnagogic state, a threshold between wakefulness and sleep where vivid, dream-like experiences occur. The unique timing of the solstice, with its extended hours of darkness, could have influenced my sleep patterns, making such a state more likely to produce a memorable vision.


There’s also the possibility of synchronicity – a concept I find intriguing. The meaningful coincidence of the vision occurring precisely on the Winter Solstice, a time traditionally associated with change and rebirth, might not have been mere chance. It felt like a synchronistic alignment of external timing with an internal readiness for transformation.

Influence of Personal Interests:

My deep-rooted fascination with the paranormal, symbolism, and spiritual traditions likely contributed to the content of the vision. Drawing on these interests, my mind constructed a symbolic narrative that eventually led to the formation of TESA.

In retrospect, the origin of this vision is a confluence of psychological, cultural, spiritual, scientific, and synchronistic factors. It was an alignment of the correct elements at the right time, leading to the creation of TESA – an embodiment of my journey into understanding the vast, multifaceted realms of the paranormal and the unexplained.

The Responsibility and Future Direction with the Information

TESA Round Table

The vision has been a guiding force in establishing TESA and shaping its approach to understanding paranormal, UFO, and consciousness phenomena. Embracing this responsibility, TESA stands as a beacon in uncharted territories, seeking answers and providing support. This journey has intertwined my personal growth with the broader narrative of TESA. The vision’s symbolism has influenced my path and become integral to TESA’s philosophy and approach. As we mark another Winter Solstice, the vision continues illuminating our path. TESA, born from this mystical experience, is a testament to the human spirit’s quest for understanding. The journey ahead promises further exploration, with TESA playing a pivotal role in unravelling the mysteries of our universeAs we continue this remarkable journey, please share your experiences, engage with our research, and contribute to this collective exploration into the unknown.


Happy Yule, and may the light return to you.

Ryan Stacey

Ryan Stacey

Heed The World

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