Unveiling the Unknown: Welcoming Alex Mistretta to TESA’s Team of Explorers

Today marks a significant milestone for The Experiencer Support Association (TESA). We are delighted to announce the newest addition to our distinguished team: Alex Mistretta. His arrival brings fresh insight and expertise to our ongoing exploration of the unexplained and mysterious.

Who is Alex Mistretta?

Alex isn’t just a name in the paranormal and cryptozoological research; he’s a beacon of knowledge and experience. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and Psychology, he has navigated the complexities of both human behaviour and the unknown. As the former Director of Investigations for MUFON Los Angeles, Alex has honed his investigative skills, delving deep into UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena. 

What sets Alex apart is his unique specialization in African Cryptozoology and his role as a leading international expert on television in Ufology, Cryptozoology, and Paranormal Investigation. His expeditions in search of Bigfoot and his collaboration with renowned Parapsychologist Dr. Barry Taff speak volumes of his adventurous spirit and dedication to uncovering truths hidden in the shadows.

A Vision for the Future

With Alex joining TESA, we are not just expanding our team; we are enhancing our capabilities to explore the enigmatic and offer unparalleled support and resources to our members. His published works and insights will be invaluable in our mission to investigate and understand the global phenomenon of highly strange and unexplained experiences.

Alex’s journey with us is just beginning, and we are excited to see where this path leads. Keep an eye on our platforms for upcoming interviews, articles, and insights from Alex. His expertise will illuminate the mysteries we seek to understand and inspire us all to look beyond the horizon of the known.

We encourage our community to extend a warm welcome to Alex. Together, let’s embark on this exciting new chapter in TESA’s history, pushing the boundaries of exploration and understanding in the realm of the paranormal and beyond.

Picture of TESA Administration

TESA Administration

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Greetings fellow experiencer, 

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